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Don’t Forget! – Delaware June 1st deadline approaching

Delaware, Don't Forget! Tax Time 300x300The Delaware 2017 Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership and General Partnership taxes are due on or before June 1, 2018. For more information, click here.  The Delaware 1st quarter taxes for Corporations are also due on or before June 1, 2018.

Taxes can be paid by:

Logging into Snapshot™, click here.  (LLC, LP and GP taxes can be paid in SnapShot™; quarterly taxes cannot)

Calling Incserv to assist (800.346.4646)

Going directly to the state website.

Sign up for ARFS now to allow Incserv to keep you in good standing; let us do the remembering for you!

Karen Elliott, Assistant Vice President of Client Development

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Jurisdictional Closures for June 2018

Closures office closedPlease see the list below for Jurisdictional Closures for June.  Dates and information are subject to change.

Date: Holiday: State:
June 4th Jefferson Davis’ Birthday AL
June 11th King Kamehameha I Day HI
June 20th West Virginia Day WV

Please check out our blog posts throughout the month for any last minute changes or updates from these or any other state or local office.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us at 800-346-4646 or via email at

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What is needed to keep my Delaware Company in Compliance?

Delaware Company delaware 173x300With a Delaware company, you may find that you receive several payment requests from your Registered Agent for different services, and it may not be clear what those services are.  This blog helps clarify what those invoices are for.  There are two types of payments that need to be made each year.

State of Delaware Annual Franchise Tax:  Each company is required to pay an annual franchise tax to the State of Delaware.  Each year, you will receive a notice from your Registered Agent on behalf of the Delaware informing you of the tax payment requirement.

CORPORATION:  Due on or before March 1st of each year, and also requires and annual report to be filed. You will receive this notice from our office mid-end of December each year.

LLC/LP:  Due on or before June 1st of each year. You will receive this notice from your Registered Agent mid-end of April each year.

For more information, see our blog on Delaware franchise tax payments.  Click here.

Delaware Statutory Registered Agent:  This is the service fee to represent the company as the Registered Agent in Delaware. This is billed annually; typically renewing on the date of our appointment. Every company formed or qualified within most States are required to appoint a Registered Agent with the Secretary of State. A Registered Agent is the company or individual named to receive Service of Process and all official notices from the jurisdiction on behalf of the company.

For more information on the role of the Registered Agent, see our blog.

How can I make this process easier?Delaware company compliance verification service 200x300

There are a few ways to simplify this process and reduce the number of invoices you receive.

  • If you have multiple entities, synch all your entities to the same date. Rather than receive invoices on the anniversary of the appointment, which could be scattered throughout the year, synch these invoices to one date (e.g. January 1).  Or, you could synch the invoices to be received around the same time as your annual tax notice.
  • Sign up for our Annual Report Filing Services (ARFS). With this service, for a small annual fee, we will make sure your tax payment is made.  To learn more about this service click here.

Amy Balke, Accounting Manager


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Closed May 28th – Memorial Day

memorial day waving flagAll Incserv offices will be closed on Monday, May 28, 2018, in observance of Memorial Day and will

resume normal business hours on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at 8:30 AM (ET).

 Have a Safe and Happy Memorial Day Weekend!



Gennine Cooper No Comments

Franchise Tax & Annual Report Filing – Incserv’s Annual Report Filing Service through Snapshot™

Did you know you can file your Delaware Annual Report through Snapshot™?  You can!  Just click on “Franchise Tax & Annual Reports” in the top gray navigation bar, or choose the third icon on the page, “File an Annual Report in a snap.”

Annual Report Snapshot 4 4

There are several perks to filing through Snapshot™.

  1. It’s really easy! Everything’s on one page, there are helpful “What is This?” links on each section.
  2. You can easily copy the principal place of business address into the other address sections with just a click of a button!
  3. A copy of the report that was filed is saved for you! If you file via Snapshot™, you can pull a copy whenever you need it, at no charge, including the second page with the valuable stock and asset information.
  4. Snapshot™ saves the information you entered on the online form, making it really easy to file the following year since all you have to do is review the data on the form, make any changes, and proceed!  For more information on the benefits of Annual Report filing in Snapshot™, check out our previous five-part blog that starts here.

One of our most popular enhanced services is our Annual Report Filing Service (ARFS).  Don’t want to have to worry about filing your report yourself this year?  Let us do it!  With ARFS, we take care of everything for you.  And you can add ARFS right from Snapshot™!  Simply go to the Entities table (use the “Entities” link on the top gray navigation bar), locate the entity you’d like to add ARFS to, and click “Add” in the Annual Report Services column for that entity.  You will be directed to a form where you can choose to add our Annual Report Filing Service.  Snapshot™ will even prorate your invoice so it matches up to your current registered agent billing period!

If you have several entities you would like to add ARFS, you may want to email us at and we can assist you with this!

Sara Flanagan, Systems Analyst

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Don’t Forget! – Delaware LLC, LP & GP Taxes Due June 1st

taxes delaware 173x300Domestic and Foreign Alternative Entity Taxes Coming Due

The Delaware 2017 Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership and General Partnership taxes are due on or before June 1, 2018. The tax is $300 per entity and there is no requirement to file an Annual Report.  Annual taxes are assessed if the entity is active in the records of the Division of Corporations anytime during January 1st through December 31st of the current tax year.  If not paid by June 1, a penalty is assessed and interest will begin to accrue.  The company will no longer be in good standing if this fee is not paid and can even be at risk of being voided.

Annual Taxes can be paid by:

Logging into Snapshot™ (

Calling Incserv to assist (800.346.4646)

Going directly to the state website (

Incserv also provides a service for paying annual taxes for you each year, contact us and ask about ARFS for your alternative entity.

Rose Redman, Quality Assurance and Employee Development Manager

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Appoint Incserv as Registered Agent – Consolidate Now!

registered agent consolidation 300x225As a continuation of part 1, we will discuss the actual process of changing registered agent to Incserv.

Did you know some states will allow a change of agent on the annual report?  This is one of the easiest ways to change registered agent to Incserv.  We can take care of filing the report and changing registered agent.

We can also submit a filing to change of agent.  We can work together to make sure you are not double paying for agent services; we can file the change to Incserv a month before your renewal cycle with your current agent.

Reach out to us today to get started – we are ready to make your job easier!  Click here to get started.

Karen Elliott, Assistant Vice President of Client Development