Pt 2 – Does your Company need a Certificate of Incumbency?
Posted by Gennine Cooper
December 9, 2020
In the first blog, we discussed what an Incumbency Certificate is and the details it will contain. Feel free to read: Click here.
Is your boat owned by a legal entity? If so, have you been asked if you are the rightful owner of that boat? Or, has your bank requested you to confirm you are an officer/director or member/manager of your company? If so, Incserv has a solution that might work!
Below are two examples of how we have assisted with Incumbency requests:
The owner of a boat contacted Incserv needing quick, fast help. His boat was stuck in Port with the authorities requesting additional documentation to show he was an officer of the Corporation (that owned the boat). Incserv prepared a Certificate of Incumbency, including his name as officer of the Corporation. The Incumbency was prepared with Apostille and shipped off to the client the same day. The client confirmed 2 days later that he received the documents and was able to move through the Port.
Incserv assisted another client with preparation of an Incumbency Certificate – the client was pleased with the process and how quickly it was turned around. Feedback from the client: “Very good experience. It was handled very professionally.”
If you have additional questions or need assistance with obtaining a Certificate of Incumbency, give us a call or email us. Please note – Incserv must be the Registered Agent of a company in order to prepare a Certificate of Incumbency. If you require a Certificate of Incumbency and we are not the Registered Agent, ask us about changing your Registered Agent.