New and Energized Focus on Compliance

Posted by Gennine Cooper
January 25, 2017

January 10, 2017- Incorporating Services, Ltd. (Incserv) is pleased to announce Steffan Bradford as the newly appointed Team Leader for its Compliance Department. Steffan began his career with Incserv in 2011, as a member of the Client Services Team. His client focused perspective combined with the seasoned team already in place has created a renewed energy.

The focal points within the Compliance Department are the Annual Report Monitoring (ARMS) and Annual Report Filing Services (ARFS). As most jurisdictions have annual filing and/or tax requirements it is imperative these obligations are met in order to maintain any legal protections the entity may provide. ARMS takes the task of keeping track of annual report filing and franchise tax due dates off of your desk and puts it on to ours. ARMS monitors due dates for all entity types across the nation, and sends filing reminders ahead of the deadline. An automated filing option is also available (ARFS). With the auto-file option added, Incserv’s Compliance Department proactively compiles and maintains the information necessary to prepare, file and make payments. As the due dates approach, the team automatically files and/or makes payment. Proof of compliance is then uploaded to a personal client portal for easy access whenever you need it. Steffan and the team have worked to fine tune these processes and enhance the communication we have with our clients.

For more information or to contact Steffan directly, call 302-531-0729 or email