5 Things Companies Should Know So They’re Not Left in the Cold
Posted by Gennine Cooper
December 19, 2018
Going into a new year, many companies consider whether their current registered agent is providing the most bang for their buck. Researching these different service providers can become tedious, especially when there are numerous registered agent companies that provide a multitude of services. Here are a few things that companies should know before selecting a registered agent.
Stuck With A Scrooge?
Your new registered agent should provide you with a professional service. This means, a company available to you many hours of the day and in multiple, yet strategic, locations. For example, Incorporating Services’ headquarters is located less than five miles from the Delaware Secretary of State. This ensures documents are filed in a timely manner and our response time to clients is swift and breezy. We also have a location in Washington D.C. where a bustling city, with several local and federal level authorities, can be cumbersome for clients to be in multiple places, handling documents themselves; having agents already in the city helps lessen the burden.
The Gift You Give Yourself
A registered agent should be transparent about annual representation fees and not full of stocking stuffers. There are agents out there that promise a small fee for the first year and then double or triple that price for the second year of representation. Incorporating Services has a flat fee for their registered agent services of $120 a year per entity per appointment. This works out to $10 a month to ensure your company remains in compliance with the state and that legal documentation quickly sleds over to our clients.
Santa’s Helpers
Providers that have been in operation for many years yield a better quality of service. Although a newer company’s employees may have the expertise, something is to be said about having a face in the registered agent community as well as perfecting a craft- and we’re not talking about those Christmas cookies. Incorporating Services has over 45 years of registered agent experience and we continue to grow and educate ourselves to assure we are providing the best quality experience for our clients. Additionally, we are equipped to serve entities in all 50 states. Keeping entities in good standing is crucial for a company, especially if they plan on applying for a loan, qualifying in other states, dealing with a court matter, and/or other business transactions. With Incorporating Services, you can be certain your company is properly represented and managed nationwide.
Coverage for Your Sleigh, too? You Bet!
A quality registered agent company will offer a variety of services that alleviates stress for clients so they can concentrate on operating their business. Incorporating Services provides an Annual Report Filing Service (ARFS), where we file annual reports/statements of information, etc. and pay the taxes on behalf the entity. Additionally, we offer Mail Forwarding, for mailings that are not part of the registered agent services, and Virtual Office where we provide your business with a commercial business address and a unique suite number. We also provide services for clients with boats and handle boat registrations with Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and renewals with the Coast Guard.
The Perfect Toy For Every Good Little Girl and Boy
If one thing is certain, having various ways to contact your registered agent is vital especially when filing documents. For this reason, Incorporating Services has several ways for clients to contact them. First, by phone at (800) 346-4646, representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. We can also be reached by mail- 3500 South DuPont Highway Dover, DE 19904, by email- info@incserv.com, and by fax- 302-531-3150. We also have a live chat option that is available Monday through Friday until 5:00 p.m. However if you prefer to discuss your business in person, we do allow appointments and walk-ins to “Prancer” on in Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Now that you know more about what to consider before choosing a registered agent company, we do hope that you choose Incorporating Services, Ltd. as your registered agent for the New Year. For more information, please visit our website at www.incserv.com. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Amanda Archambault, Registered Agent Associate